Protected workshop AMADEA

Already in 2002 we started to enable the participation of disabled people and their integration among people without disabilities in order to help in their own self-realization and full-fledged participation in society. We purposefully began to create and invent products, in the production of which even disabled fellow citizens could participate and thus we involved them in the "ordinary" life.

Over time our society naturally "turned out" to be a sheltered workshop, later we were even included among social enterprises.

We employ directly in our production persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities and so when selling our products we can provide substitute fulfilment .

AMADEA's motto is: "Made for joy" and it is meant not only that the product will evoke an emotion and make someone happy who receives it, but it is also meant that the product will also make those handicapped people happy who produce it , because through its creation they become involved in everyday life and often this creation becomes the meaning of their lives.

Our goal is to continue to "create for joy" and evoke positive emotions in all directions, regardless of the complexity of our world today.
